This list displays the list of Categories that are currently defined.
Disabled because you haven’t entered a category name.
Enter a name for the Category.
If this checkbox is selected, records set to this category will appear in this type style.
Specifies a color for this category.
Disabled because this Macintosh does not support color.
Choose the dialing method from this popup menu. Desktop Dialer will be unavailable unless you have installed it into your System folder. Click Help for more details.
Click this button to specify settings for modem dialing.
Not available because you haven’t selected Modem from the Interface popup menu.
Click this button to specify settings for long distance dialing.
Enter the number used to access an outside line, if any. Click Help for more details.
The phone timer will never start automatically when you dial the phone.
The phone timer will activate whenever you dial a number.
The phone timer will activate whenever you dial an outgoing number, but not when you dail an internal number. Click Help for more details.
The phone timer will activate whenever you dial a long distance number.
Phonebook will ask you when you make a call whether you want to activate the phone timer.
If selected, Phonebook asks you for an identifying log code when activating the timer. Click Help for more details.
Disabled because the Phone Log is set to Off.
If selected, Phonebook dials the entire number without stopping to ask you when to proceed. Click Help for important suggestions for making this work properly.
After dialing, Phonebook asks you when it is okay to hang up the modem.
After dialing, Phonebook waits the specified number of seconds, then hangs up the modem.
Not available because you haven’t selected Modem from the Interface popup menu.
Enter the number of seconds to wait before Phonebook hangs up the modem.
Not available because “Automatically Hang Up” is not selected, or you haven’t selected Modem from the Interface popup menu.
If selected, Phonebook will stop and save all active phone timers when you hang up the handset.
Not available because the Phone Log is set to Off, or you haven’t selected Desktop Dialer from the Interface popup menu.
Select the port to which your modem is connected.
Selects tone dialing (ATDT)
Selects pulse dialing (ATDP)
If necessary, enter the Hayes command to initialize your modem. Unless you have a special case, it’s best to leave this blank.
Enter the time, in 60ths of a second, that Phonebook should wait between when it initializes your modem and when it dials the number.
Disabled because “Automatic Timing” is selected.
If selected, Phonebook automatically senses when the modem is ready to dial.
Select the baud rate used for dialing.
Enter the number used to access your long distance company. Click Help for more details.
If selected, Phonebook will ask you for an account number after dialing the phone number. Click Help for more details.
Enter the default account number for long distance calls. Click Help for more details.
Not available because “Prompt for Long Distance Account” is not selected.
If selected, Phonebook will treat numbers with the specified area code as local numbers.
Enter the local area code.
Not available because “Respect Local Area Code” is not selected.
Set the volume for the speaker during dialing.
Not available because you haven’t selected “Mac Speaker” from the Interface popup menu.